Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sudenly, Excite.

This month has been a month of anticipation and overall blah.  I want it to be over already!  The only notable thing that happened was the start of RuPaul's Drag Race 3, which I watch religiously on Mondays.  (If you don't get Logo you can watch it on, too!)  HOWEVER, next month is going to be AMAZING!  On the sixth Poke'mon Black and White come out (I'm getting Black)!  And then at the end of the month my best friend, Emily, who lives in Tennessee, is flying up here to stay with us for two weeks!  I am so freaking excited to see her because we haven't been together in two years!  (She visited 2 Christmases ago.  Speaking of Christmas we should visit my Grandma, too!  She's probably like to see Emily and it would reassure her that I DO have friends.)

SOOOOOO.  Here's to March (and April)!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to be doing for Halloween this year.  I'll probably end up handing out candy rather than trick-or-treating.  Since I'm seventeen now it may be the time to stop going door-to-door because I know I'll get parents looking at me odd and telling me I'm too old to be trick-or-treating.  But I suppose I could just say "this is my last year" or "I want to make the best of my last couple years before adulthood"; something like that, you know?

Regardless of what I do I do know for certain that I will being Saw 3D within a few days of its premiere, I hope.  My sister is going to be taking me.  I'm actually quite sad that it's the last Saw movie- I really like the series and actually understand that there's more behind it than the gore.  People, if you actually watch the movie there's an amazing story there!  It's not gore porn, babes, it's a masterful work of horror artistry.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was costumes!  I don't know WHAT to do for a costume!  I may just sport some kind of elaborate makeup look and call it done but I'd really like to get a wig and/or some accessories to really make it great.  I could always redo my Silent Hill nurse cosplay this year (I was a Silent Hill nurse last year but didn't actually go trick-or-treating, rather my dad bought me a few bags of candy) but it was quite expensive.  I'm not positive on the exact price but it was somewhere between $40-$100 to make.  It was totally worth it, though.  And if you guys want to see pictures of it I have some on my DeviantArt.

I also redid one of my makeup looks that I have on my YouTube channel- Scarlet from Silent Hill: Homecoming.  What do you guys think?

Scarlet is, hands down, my favorite Silent Hill boss.  She's so creepy!  Of course, porcelain dolls, or any kind of doll for that matter, are quite creepy.

Anyways, that's all I really have to say.

So what are you guys doing for halloween?  What are your costumes going to be?  Do you have any other special plans?

I have a blog!

Holy crap!  So I have a blog now.  Now I need to follow Jessica and my other friends who might have blogs.  Short post, but hey!  I HAVE A BLOG!